An Aveda Concept Salon

Executive Order 2020-175


We are open and ready to welcome you! Your health is of the upmost concern to us. We have implemented scheduling, staffing, and protective equipment controls to help protect our clients and our employees, as well as comply with all state and local requirements.


Personal-care services. All businesses or operations that provide barbering, cosmetology services, body art services (including tattooing and body piercing), tanning services, massage services, or similar personal-care services must:

a. Maintain accurate appointment and walk-in records, including date and time of service, name of client, and contact information, to aid with contact tracing.
b. Post signs at store entrances informing customers not to enter if they are or have recently been sick.
c. Restrict entry to customers, to a caregiver of those customers, or to the minor dependents of those customers.
d. Require in-use workstations to be separated by at least six feet from one another and, if feasible, separate workstations with physical barriers (e.g., plexiglass, strip curtains).
e. Limit waiting-area occupancy to the number of individuals who can be present while staying six feet away from one another and ask customers, if possible, to wait in cars for their appointment to be called.
f. Discontinue all self-service refreshments.
g. Discard magazines in waiting areas and other non-essential, shared items that cannot be disinfected.
h. Mark waiting areas to enable six feet of social distancing (e.g., by placing X’s on the ground and/or removing seats in the waiting room).
i. Require employees to make proper use of personal protective equipment in accordance with guidance from the CDC and OSHA.
j. Require employees and customers to wear a face covering at all times, except that customers may temporarily remove a face covering when receiving a service that requires its removal. During services that require a customer to remove their face covering, an employee must wear a face shield or goggles in addition to the face covering.
k. Install physical barriers, such as sneeze guards and partitions at cash registers, where maintaining physical distance of six feet is difficult.
- Cooperate with the local public health department if a confirmed case of COVID-19 is identified in the facility.